Tuesday 21 January 2014

Github - Add files

    For file safety and good place for sharing, GitHub is the place your project files should be. Either private or public.
Project files are located on your computer and you want to add them to github, how to do it :

 - register, login to the github site
 - on the site, use the Create Repository button and create one for your project
 - after repository was created you need to copy somewhere the  www address of your repository. Something like https://github.com/User_Name/Repository_Name.git

 - download windows application from : GitHub for Windows
 - add and commit the files using the downloaded application

 - using terminal :
 - go to the project's directory cd the_project
 - git init to start git
 - add all the files to local list git add *
 - commit the files git commit -m "commit" 
 - tell to your computer where to add the files 
 git remote add origin https://github.com/User/RepName.git
              - add files to github git push origin master

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